My travels in the 1990s
When and how it all began – 37 countries visited
Many changes started to happen around the world in the 1990s. Four decades long separation by the Iron curtain finally ended with the fall of Berlin Wall. Once hermetically closed countries of Eastern Europe were collapsing or dismantling and accepting the Western lifestyle. It was the time when I started to travel; first around the Europe and then worldwide.
My travel experiences from that time were predominantly solo and budget-conscious. Initially, I was not entirely comfortable with the choice of travelling alone. After completing my first European journey alongside Andrey and gaining experience as a backpacker, I encountered difficulties in finding a travel companion for the next year. Factors such as insufficient funds, time limitations and different priorities left me with the option of either remaining at home or embarking on solo adventures. While this independence allowed me to plan and execute my travels according to my preferences, it has also forced me to be more open in communication with other travelers and locals.
In the 1990s, I traveled to numerous countries across Western Europe. It was not until I turned 24 and completed my university education that I took off on my first overseas adventure.
My American Big Tour from the United States to Argentina in 1996-97, which lasted 15 months, was been the most demanding in my travelling career, if I compare it to later travels. After I returned from South America, I was completely broke. The following year, I did not travel to any new countries. However, I promptly began to set aside funds for my upcoming adventures.
Countries visited in 1990s – 37